Tashi, Dhundup & Dolma

Tashi, Dhundup & Dolma


Tashi, Dhundup and Dolma are the designers of the 2014 Summer Limited edition glass beads. They have all created beautiful beads for the Trollbeads Collection since 2004. Originally from Tibet, but now living in Dhramsala – home of their spiritual leader Dalai Lama.

The three ladies love to sing and dance in their spare time and sometimes they daydream about Tibet, about herding cattle and gazing at them.

Begleiter fürs Leben
Wish list
Weg der Treue
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Innere Ruhe
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Lilie der Harmonie
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Blühende Liebe
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Blaue Iris
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Flügel der Einheit
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Stärker zusammen Set
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Friedlicher Garten Set
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Fröhliche Kletterpflanze
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Lilie des Glücks
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Samen der Freude
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